Why Sustainable Solar Panel Disposal Matters and How We Recycle Solar Can Help You Achieve It

Why Sustainable Solar Panel Disposal Matters and How We Recycle Solar Can Help You Achieve It

In an era where environmental sustainability is paramount, the responsible disposal of solar panels has become a critical issue for commercial energy producers. As the adoption of solar energy continues to surge, questions about the lifecycle of solar panels and their impact on the environment have come to the fore. How do we ensure that these renewable energy assets do not end up as hazardous waste? This is where We Recycle Solar steps in, offering comprehensive solutions to recycle solar panels effectively and sustainably. By integrating our services, you can uphold your commitment to green energy while benefiting from our expertise and innovative recycling methods.

The Importance of Sustainable Solar Panel Disposal

Environmental Impact of Improper Disposal

Improper disposal of solar panels can result in significant environmental damage. Solar panels contain hazardous materials like cadmium, lead, and silicon, which can leach into soil and groundwater if not disposed of correctly. This contamination poses serious risks to ecosystems and human health. Additionally, improper disposal contributes to landfill waste, exacerbating the growing problem of waste management. The environmental footprint of discarded solar panels undermines the very purpose of adopting renewable energy sources. By ensuring proper recycling, we not only mitigate these harmful effects but also recover valuable materials for reuse. This closed-loop approach supports both environmental sustainability and resource conservation, highlighting the critical need for responsible disposal practices.

Benefits of Recycling Solar Panels

Recycling solar panels offers numerous benefits that extend beyond environmental protection. Firstly, it helps recover valuable materials such as glass, aluminum, and silicon, which can be reused in manufacturing new panels and other products. This reduces the need for mining and processing virgin materials, thereby conserving natural resources and reducing energy consumption. Secondly, recycling minimizes the volume of waste that ends up in landfills, mitigating soil and water contamination risks. Additionally, it creates job opportunities in the recycling and manufacturing sectors, driving economic growth. By recycling solar panels, companies also enhance their corporate social responsibility (CSR) profiles, meeting regulatory requirements and appealing to environmentally conscious stakeholders. This proactive approach not only supports sustainability goals but also fosters a positive brand image, attracting customers and investors who prioritize green initiatives.

Long-term Sustainability Goals

Achieving long-term sustainability goals necessitates a comprehensive approach to managing the lifecycle of solar panels. As commercial energy producers, the responsibility extends beyond merely generating renewable energy; it includes ensuring that end-of-life solar panels are disposed of sustainably. Incorporating recycling into your sustainability strategy helps you meet environmental regulations and aligns with global efforts to combat climate change. By adopting circular economy principles, where products are reused, remanufactured, or recycled, companies can significantly reduce their carbon footprint. Furthermore, setting long-term sustainability goals related to recycling demonstrates a commitment to innovation and environmental stewardship. This not only enhances corporate reputation but also positions companies as leaders in the renewable energy sector. Transparent reporting on recycling efforts and sustainability outcomes can attract environmentally conscious investors and customers, thereby fostering long-term business success.

The Future of Solar Panel Recycling: How We Recycle Solar is Leading the Way

The Future of Solar Panel Recycling: How We Recycle Solar is Leading the Way

As the solar industry continues to expand at an unprecedented rate, the question of what happens to solar panels at the end of their lifecycle becomes increasingly critical. Enter [Company Name], a pioneering force in the field of solar panel recycling. With a commitment to environmental sustainability and technological innovation, We Recycle Solar is setting the gold standard for how solar panels are responsibly decommissioned and repurposed. How can the industry ensure that the benefits of solar energy are not overshadowed by waste management challenges? By adopting advanced recycling techniques, We Recycle Solar not only mitigates environmental impact but also recovers valuable materials for reuse. This document will delve into the future of solar panel recycling, spotlighting how We Recycle Solar is spearheading efforts to create a more sustainable and circular solar economy.

Innovations in Solar Panel Recycling

Advanced Recycling Techniques

Advanced recycling techniques are crucial for maximizing the efficiency and effectiveness of solar panel recycling. We Recycle Solar employs state-of-the-art methods such as thermal, mechanical, and chemical processes to separate and recover valuable materials from decommissioned panels. These techniques ensure that materials like silicon, glass, and precious metals are extracted with minimal environmental impact. For instance, thermal treatment can safely remove hazardous elements, while mechanical processes can break down panels into their core components. The use of chemical treatments allows for the precise recovery of high-purity materials, which can then be reintegrated into the manufacturing process. By leveraging these advanced techniques, We Recycle Solar not only diverts waste from landfills but also contributes to the creation of a circular economy where resources are continually reused and repurposed.

Environmental Impact and Benefits

The environmental impact of solar panel recycling cannot be overstated. By implementing advanced recycling techniques, We Recycle Solar significantly reduces the ecological footprint of solar energy systems. Recycling prevents hazardous materials, such as cadmium and lead, from leaching into soil and water, thus safeguarding ecosystems and public health. Additionally, the recovery of valuable materials like silicon and rare metals reduces the need for virgin resource extraction, which is often energy-intensive and environmentally damaging. The benefits extend beyond environmental preservation. By reintegrating recycled materials into the supply chain, We Recycle Solar helps lower the production costs of new solar panels, making renewable energy more accessible and affordable. This holistic approach not only addresses waste management issues but also promotes a sustainable and circular economy. In essence, the environmental benefits of solar panel recycling reinforce the sustainability goals that drive the renewable energy sector.

Scaling Up for Commercial Use

Scaling up solar panel recycling for commercial use presents unique challenges and opportunities. We Recycle Solar is at the forefront of addressing these challenges through strategic partnerships and investments in infrastructure. By collaborating with key stakeholders, including solar manufacturers and policymakers, We Recycle Solar ensures a streamlined and scalable recycling process. One of the primary focuses is establishing centralized recycling facilities capable of processing large volumes of panels efficiently. Additionally, advanced logistics solutions are employed to manage the transportation and handling of decommissioned panels from various locations. This not only reduces transportation emissions but also enhances the overall efficiency of the recycling process. Furthermore, economies of scale achieved through commercial-scale operations help lower the cost of recycling, making it a viable option for large solar farms and commercial installations. By addressing the scalability issue, We Recycle Solar is paving the way for widespread adoption of sustainable recycling practices in the solar industry.

Unlocking the Future: The Hidden Potential of Solar Panel Recycling

Unlocking the Future: The Hidden Potential of Solar Panel Recycling

As the world increasingly shifts towards renewable energy sources, the spotlight is now on the sustainability of these technologies themselves, particularly solar panels. With the rapid growth in solar installations, the industry faces a new challenge: what happens to solar panels at the end of their lifecycle? The hidden potential of solar panel recycling offers a promising solution, transforming what was once considered waste into valuable resources. In this discussion, we will explore the opportunities that lie within solar panel recycling, highlighting how innovative recycling processes can contribute to environmental sustainability, create new economic opportunities, and support the circular economy. Join us as we delve into the future of solar panel recycling and its multifaceted benefits for our planet and industry.

Benefits of Solar Panel Recycling

Environmental Impact Reduction

Solar panel recycling significantly reduces the environmental impact associated with solar energy production. When solar panels reach the end of their lifecycle, improper disposal can lead to toxic materials leaching into the soil and water. Recycling mitigates this risk by safely extracting and repurposing valuable components such as silicon, silver, and aluminum. This process not only prevents harmful environmental contamination but also reduces the need for raw material extraction, thus conserving natural resources and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Furthermore, recycling supports the circular economy by transforming waste into reusable materials. By embracing solar panel recycling, we can ensure that the shift towards renewable energy is truly sustainable, minimizing the ecological footprint of solar technology and contributing to a healthier planet.

Economic Opportunities

Solar panel recycling opens up a multitude of economic opportunities. As the industry expands, the demand for recycling services will grow, fostering the development of new businesses and creating jobs in the recycling sector. By recovering valuable materials from discarded panels, companies can reduce costs associated with raw material procurement. This not only supports cost efficiency but also stabilizes supply chains, which can be vulnerable to market fluctuations. Additionally, the sale of reclaimed materials can generate additional revenue streams for recycling firms. Policymakers can also benefit by integrating recycling initiatives into green economy strategies, promoting sustainable practices while boosting economic growth. Overall, solar panel recycling can drive innovation, enhance economic resilience, and create a more sustainable and profitable industry landscape.

Resource Recovery and Sustainability

Resource recovery is a cornerstone of solar panel recycling, directly contributing to sustainability efforts. By reclaiming materials like silicon, glass, and metals from end-of-life solar panels, we significantly reduce the need for virgin resource extraction. This not only conserves natural resources but also decreases the environmental degradation associated with mining and processing activities. Additionally, the energy required to recycle these materials is often less than that needed for new production, leading to lower overall energy consumption and reduced carbon emissions. Sustainable resource recovery aligns with circular economy principles, where products and materials are kept in use for as long as possible. By integrating effective recycling practices, the solar industry can minimize waste, extend the lifecycle of materials, and promote environmental stewardship. In doing so, solar panel recycling not only supports sustainability but also ensures that renewable energy solutions remain truly green.

How We Recycle Solar is Leading the Way in Solar Panel Recycling for a Sustainable Future

How We Recycle Solar is Leading the Way in Solar Panel Recycling for a Sustainable Future

As the world increasingly turns to renewable energy sources, the challenge of managing end-of-life solar panels has come to the forefront of sustainability discussions. We Recycle Solaris pioneering innovative solutions in solar panel recycling, making significant strides toward a circular economy in the solar industry. By developing advanced recycling technologies and robust processes, we are not only mitigating the environmental impact of solar waste but also reclaiming valuable materials for reuse in new panels. How do these efforts translate into a more sustainable future? This article delves into the importance of solar panel recycling and highlights how We Recycle Solaris leading the charge in this crucial endeavor.

Leading Solar Panel Recycling

Innovative Recycling Techniques

We Recycle Solar has developed a suite of innovative recycling techniques that set us apart in the industry. One of our key methods involves thermal processing, where we use high temperatures to break down solar panels into their constituent parts. This process allows us to recover valuable materials such as silicon, silver, and aluminum, which can then be reused in the production of new panels.

Additionally, we employ advanced chemical treatments to separate and purify these materials further, ensuring they meet the stringent quality standards required for new solar technology. By integrating these cutting-edge techniques, we not only reduce the amount of waste going to landfills but also minimize the need for raw material extraction, contributing to a more sustainable production cycle. These innovations are pivotal in driving both environmental and economic benefits in the solar industry.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of solar panel recycling is significant. By recycling end-of-life solar panels, We Recycle Solaris helping to divert thousands of tons of waste from landfills annually. This effort not only reduces the physical footprint of waste but also mitigates the release of hazardous materials such as lead and cadmium into the environment.

Moreover, our recycling processes are designed to minimize carbon emissions, contributing to the overall reduction of greenhouse gases. The recovery and reuse of materials like silicon and aluminum further decrease the need for energy-intensive mining and processing activities, which are major sources of environmental degradation.

Through these initiatives, We Recycle Solaris not only addressing the immediate waste problem but also promoting a healthier planet by reducing pollution and conserving natural resources. This proactive approach underscores our commitment to environmental sustainability and our role as leaders in the solar industry.

Future Plans and Goals

Looking ahead, We Recycle Solaris committed to expanding our solar panel recycling capabilities and infrastructure. One of our primary goals is to increase our recycling capacity to handle the growing volume of end-of-life panels expected in the coming years. We plan to achieve this by investing in new facilities and scaling up our existing operations.

Additionally, we are exploring partnerships with manufacturers and policymakers to create a more robust recycling ecosystem. By collaborating with these stakeholders, we aim to develop standardized recycling protocols and incentivize the adoption of sustainable practices across the industry.

Research and development will continue to be a cornerstone of our strategy. We are dedicated to advancing our recycling technologies to enhance efficiency and material recovery rates. Ultimately, our vision is to create a closed-loop system where nearly all components of solar panels are recycled and reused, driving the solar industry toward a truly circular economy.

The Looming Solar Panel Waste Challenge:Expert Insights

The Looming Solar Panel Waste Challenge: Expert Insights

As solar energy adoption soars, a pressing issue looms on the horizon: the impending crisis of solar panel waste. Australian experts predict that in the next two to three years, the volume of decommissioned solar panels will escalate to unprecedented levels, posing significant environmental and logistical challenges. How can we mitigate this impending waste disaster while continuing to promote sustainable energy solutions? In this document, we will delve into expert insights on the scale of the problem and explore how We Recycle Solar is pioneering innovative recycling methods to address the solar panel waste challenge. By understanding the gravity of the situation and the solutions at hand, industry professionals and policymakers can make informed decisions to foster a sustainable future.

The Impending Solar Panel Waste Crisis

Projections and Concerns

Projections indicate that solar panel waste could reach alarming levels within the next few years. By 2030, it is estimated that Australia alone could generate up to 100,000 tonnes of solar panel waste annually. This surge in decommissioned panels raises significant concerns over disposal methods and environmental impact. Traditional waste management systems are ill-equipped to handle such volumes, leading to potential hazards like soil contamination and resource depletion. Furthermore, the embedded materials, such as silicon, silver, and other metals, present recycling challenges but also opportunities if effectively managed. Addressing these concerns requires a coordinated effort from industry stakeholders, policymakers, and recycling innovators to develop sustainable solutions. Failure to act promptly could undermine the environmental benefits that solar energy promises, making it crucial to prioritize waste management in the renewable energy agenda.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of solar panel waste is a growing concern. When solar panels are improperly disposed of, toxic materials like lead and cadmium can leach into the soil and groundwater, posing severe risks to ecosystems and human health. Additionally, the sheer volume of waste contributes to landfills, exacerbating the already critical issue of waste management. Recycling these panels is not just a matter of reducing landfill usage; it also conserves valuable materials such as silicon, silver, and aluminum, which can be reused in new panels or other products. Moreover, the energy-intensive production of these materials means that their recovery can significantly reduce the carbon footprint associated with manufacturing new panels. Therefore, addressing the environmental impact of solar panel waste is not only essential for safeguarding natural resources but also for ensuring the sustainability of the solar industry itself.

The Urgency for Solutions

The urgency for solutions to the solar panel waste crisis cannot be overstated. With projections indicating a rapid increase in decommissioned panels, the window for implementing effective waste management strategies is narrowing. Immediate action is required to develop and scale-up recycling infrastructure capable of handling the anticipated volumes. Policymakers must also prioritize regulations that incentivize recycling and penalize improper disposal. For the solar industry, innovating in design for recyclability can significantly mitigate future waste. Collaboration across sectors is crucial to develop a cohesive approach that addresses both current and future challenges. Failure to act swiftly could result in long-term environmental damage and undermine public confidence in renewable energy solutions. Therefore, accelerating efforts to manage solar panel waste is essential for maintaining the integrity and sustainability of the solar industry and for protecting our environment.

We Recycle Solar Expands Partnership with Renewables.org

We Recycle Solar Expands Partnership with Renewables.org to Drive Sustainable Impact Through Tax-Deductible Solar Donations

Delivering Tax Benefits and Supporting Community Access to Renewable Energy

YUMA, Ariz., May 15, 2024 – Building on the momentum of their recent successful Earth Day initiative, We Recycle Solar announced the evolution of its partnership with Renewables.org. The expanded collaboration introduces a major opportunity for commercial and utility-scale solar developers, as well as Independent Power Producers (IPPs) and manufacturers, to make tax-deductible donations of surplus, residual, and used solar panels.


This is far more than just a recycling program – we’re actually clearing pathways for meaningful community impact and substantial financial benefits,” said AJ Orben, Vice President of We Recycle Solar. “By partnering with Renewables.org, we enable our clients to leverage their unused assets in a manner that’s both eco-conscious and economically advantageous – striking that perfect balance companies need to jumpstart their own eco-friendly commitments.”


Renewables.org offers real investment opportunities in solar energy projects across India and Africa, allowing investors to provide zero-interest loans that aid the expansion of solar power – especially in regions critically impacted by CO2 emissions and hindered by limited access to affordable financing. Creating a powerful carbon impact that investors can see, while ensuring they also receive monthly repayments over a five-year period.


Many investments are directed towards solar developers in the Global South, aiming to accelerate solar adoption in areas where environmental challenges are most acute. Other key benefits of recycling with Renewables.org and We Recycle Solar include:


·      Tax-Deductible Donations: Clients can now donate surplus solar panels, enjoying maximum tax savings from a certified 501(c)(3) organization.

·      Supporting Underserved Communities: Donations aid in deploying renewable energy resources in predominantly disadvantaged areas, amplifying the impact of each contribution.

·      Environmental and Social Returns: Contributions go beyond financial benefits, helping to prevent further carbon emissions and reduce reliance on coal-based power grids.


The initiative supports We Recycle Solar’s broader mission for the lifecycle management of solar assets, with many overarching benefits including:


Environmental Conservation:

·      Reduces landfill waste and prevents the release of hazardous materials.

·      Recovers valuable materials for reuse.

·      Lowers the demand for new raw materials, reducing environmental degradation from resource extraction.

·      Promotes sustainable practices and ensures compliance with evolving environmental regulations.

Major Economic Benefits:

·      Enhances cost efficiency by reducing manufacturing costs through material reuse.

·      Creates new jobs in recycling, transportation, and industry-related sectors.

·      Supports the growth of the solar industry by ensuring material availability and affordability.

Important Social Impacts:

·      Engages communities through educational initiatives about sustainability.

·      Lowers cost barriers, increasing access to solar technology in underserved communities.

Enduring Climate Action:

·      Reduces the carbon footprint associated with new material production.

·      Bolsters the transition to renewable energy, supporting global climate change efforts.


“Each donation through our shared program has the potential to generate five times the impact per dollar compared to other U.S. solar developments,” explained Lassor Feasley, CEO of Renewables.org. “Our clients see a return on their investment through tax savings and also play a crucial part to empower energy independence in underserved communities. It’s a win-win for all of us.”


Visit We Recycle Solar online to learn about the partnership, along with upcoming major projects, other initiatives, and to join the overall mission transforming the planet’s energy future: Facebook, LinkedIn, X, Instagram.


About Renewables.org


Renewables.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on accelerating the deployment of solar energy in developing markets. By providing financing to solar projects in the Global South and other developing areas, Renewables.org works to reduce carbon emissions and promote renewable energy access in regions most impacted by climate change. Learn more at: www.Renewables.org.


About We Recycle Solar, Inc.


America’s only utility-scale solar recycler fully sanctioned by the EPA, We Recycle Solar offers comprehensive, frictionless solutions for the disposal, recycling, and management of solar assets. With a commitment to environmental sustainability, We Recycle Solar offers services that support the entire lifecycle of photovoltaic devices, ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations while promoting the circular economy within the solar industry. Learn more about the future of solar at: www.WeRecycleSolar.com.


Media Contact:


Quanah Locklear, Marketing Manager

(480) 482-7050


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We Recycle Solar and Renewables.org Forge Partnership

We Recycle Solar and Renewables.org Forge Partnership to Amplify Global Energy Access for Earth Day 2024

From Recycling to Renewables: A Circular Economic Approach to Sustainable Solar Initiatives

YUMA, Ariz.March 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — This Earth Day, We Recycle Solar proudly announces a pivotal partnership in clean energy development with Renewables.org. Aiming to expedite the global shift towards solar power and endorse sustainable practices in solar panel recycling and asset recovery, the collaboration helps facilitate the transition in developing markets, while also enhancing responsible end-of-life solar panel management. Renewables.org is a leader in enabling clean energy development with shovel-ready solar projects that have five times the impact, and prevent more carbon emissions per dollar, than any other investment.

As part of the Earth Day celebration, We Recycle Solar committed to a specific initiative: For every ten solar modules recycled through its state-of-the-art facilities during April, one Panel will be donated to the Renewables Fund managed by Renewables.org. The nonprofit organization is dedicated to funding high-impact solar projects in the Global South, where the need for renewable energy is most critical.

“Teaming up with Renewables.org is a game-changer in extending the life of solar panels and helping to drive the circular economy in our sector,” said AJ Orben, Vice President of We Recycle Solar. “With projections of solar panel waste reaching 78 million tons by 2050, the rapid increase in discarded panels poses a significant environmental threat. So our shared goal not only contributes to the global expansion of clean, renewable energy, but also helps mitigate an environmental crisis in the making. So we are both focused on a cleaner, healthier planet.”

Bridging the Gap in Solar Energy Access for a Brighter Future

We Recycle Solar has already made significant strides in diverting solar panel waste from landfills via the company’s Arizona facility. At the forefront of processing end-of-life photovoltaic devices, the recycling site boasts the nation’s highest processing capacity, while the partnership between We Recycle Solar and Renewables.org further addresses two critical aspects of the solar industry: the environmental impact of solar panel waste and the urgent need for renewable energy sources in underdeveloped regions, including areas of the U.S.

While carbon-intensive power grids and insufficient funding for clean energy projects pose significant challenges in the Global South, Renewables.org addresses these major issues through its signature Renewables Fund. By placing tangible investments in projects that promise to deliver clean energy solutions now where they are needed most, Renewables.org is investing in a bolder and cleaner energy future.

“We’re excited about the opportunity to partner with We Recycle Solar for both this and projects in the future,” said Lassor Feasley, CEO of Renewables.org. “This initiative not only supports the deployment of solar energy in areas with the greatest impact on reducing carbon emissions, but also highlights the importance of responsible recycling in general as part of the solar value chain.”

Learn more about this, other upcoming projects, and join the mission to transform the planet’s energy future by following We Recycle Solar on social media: FacebookLinkedInXInstagram.

About Renewables.org

Renewables.org is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization focused on accelerating the deployment of solar energy in developing markets. By providing financing to solar projects in the Global South and other developing areas, Renewables.org works to reduce carbon emissions and promote renewable energy access in regions most impacted by climate change. Learn more at: www.Renewables.org.

About We Recycle Solar, Inc.

America’s only utility-scale solar recycler fully sanctioned by the EPA, We Recycle Solar offers comprehensive, frictionless solutions for the disposal, recycling, and management of solar assets. With a commitment to environmental sustainability, We Recycle Solar offers services that support the entire lifecycle of photovoltaic devices, ensuring compliance with federal and state regulations while promoting the circular economy within the solar industry. 

Media Contact:

Quanah Locklear, Marketing Manager
(480) 482-705.

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We Recycle Inc launches new PV recycling facility

We Recycle Inc launches new Yuma, Arizona, PV recycling facility

We Recycle Solar, Inc., North America’s first vertically-integrated organisation specialising in the recycling and remarketing of excess, damaged, and end-of-life solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, has expanded its Yuma, Arizona-based operation to tackle the growing environmental challenge of solar panel waste.

We Recycle Inc launches new Yuma, Arizona, PV recycling facility
Courtesy of We Recycle Solar.
In 2016, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimated that cumulative solar panel waste volume would reach up to 1 million tons globally by 2030, and 78 million tons by 2050, based on an average PV lifespan of 30 years. However, as early solar panel replacement becomes more and more widespread, discarded solar panels are flooding US landfills – where they can contaminate soil and groundwater with toxic heavy metals and carcinogens including arsenic, lead and cadmium – at rates that far outpace previous forecasts.

Headquartered in Yuma, Arizona, We Recycle Solar specialises in the highly-technical task of solar panel removal, decommissioning, recycling, and processing for reuse and is the nation’s only solar recycler fully permitted by the federal EPA to handle hazardous secondary materials generated by solar panels…

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We Recycle Solar expands operation in Arizona

We Recycle Solar expands operation in Arizona

We Recycle Solar, Inc., North America’s first vertically-integrated organisation specialising in the recycling and remarketing of excess, damaged, and end-of-life solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, has expanded its Arizona-based operation in Yuma to tackle the growing environmental challenge of solar panel waste.

In 2016, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimated that cumulative solar panel waste volume would reach up to 1 million t globally by 2030, and 78 million t by 2050, based on an average PV lifespan of 30 years. However, as early solar panel replacement becomes more and more widespread, discarded solar panels are flooding US landfills – where they can contaminate soil and groundwater with toxic heavy metals and carcinogens including arsenic, lead, and cadmium – at rates that far outpace previous forecasts.

Headquartered in Yuma, Arizona, We Recycle Solar specialises in the highly-technical task of solar panel removal, decommissioning, recycling, and processing for reuse and is the nation’s only solar recycler fully permitted by the federal EPA to handle hazardous secondary materials generated by solar panels.

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WRS unveils largest PV recycling plant in the nation

We Recycle Solar unveils largest PV recycling plant in the nation

We Recycle Solar announced it has expanded its Yuma, Arizona-based operation to tackle the growing environmental challenge of solar panel waste.

The company specializes in the highly technical task of solar panel removal, decommissioning, recycling and processing for reuse and is the nation’s only solar recycler fully permitted by the federal EPA to handle hazardous secondary materials generated by solar panels.

Founded in August 2019 by a team of infrastructure and environmental entrepreneurs, We Recycle Solar has recycled or remarketed more than 500,000 end-of-life solar panels to date, diverting 23 million pounds of hazardous solar panel waste from landfills…

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